Prèvies importants!!!!
En algun altre post que parlava de homes i dones vaig rebre algun comentari en el que em deien, que tots érem iguals i aquest tipus de post portaven a la discriminació. Jo crec i defenso la igual dat entre homes i dones a tots els nivells. Peró això no implica que cregui que afortunadament (,: en molts aspectes siguem diferents.
Especial 6969
Continua el enllaç en aquest post i continuara en 2 o 3 mes , entre altres per que he rebut mes fotos vostres i l'he pogut ampliar. Eh noies s'han afegit dos nois mes i .........
I moltes gracies per la confiança al enviar aquestes fotos. GRACIES!!!!!
I a un munt de coses sobre els homes i les dones que diuen que son tòpics jo crec que potser tenen alguna cosa de veritat aquí poso alguns.
Son certs?
Coneixeu mes quins?
En algun altre post que parlava de homes i dones vaig rebre algun comentari en el que em deien, que tots érem iguals i aquest tipus de post portaven a la discriminació. Jo crec i defenso la igual dat entre homes i dones a tots els nivells. Peró això no implica que cregui que afortunadament (,: en molts aspectes siguem diferents.
Especial 6969
Continua el enllaç en aquest post i continuara en 2 o 3 mes , entre altres per que he rebut mes fotos vostres i l'he pogut ampliar. Eh noies s'han afegit dos nois mes i .........
I moltes gracies per la confiança al enviar aquestes fotos. GRACIES!!!!!
I a un munt de coses sobre els homes i les dones que diuen que son tòpics jo crec que potser tenen alguna cosa de veritat aquí poso alguns.
Son certs?
Coneixeu mes quins?
El que detesten els homes és directament proporcional al que els agrada a les dones.
Anar de compres per anar de compres
- Respondre a la pregunta “Carinyu, tu m'estimàs?”
- Respondre a la pregunta “Estic gorda?”
- Respondre a preguntes en general
- Parlar abans de fer l'amor
- Parlar després de fer l'amor
- Parlar en general
- Tot la resta que a les dones els encanta
El que detesten les dones és indubtablement inversament proporcional al que els agrada als homes.
- Retirar del terra els seus calçotets i mitjons
- Escoltar lo bé que cuina la seva mare
- Aquest amic seu d'infància que té tanta influencia sobre ell
- Trobar-se la tapa del vàter aixecada
- Que no li respongui als seus missatges SMS.
- Que no es tregui els mitjons al fer l'amor
- Que no li faci l'amor (en aquest cas lo dels mitjons no té rellevància)
43 comentaris:
Com a dona i amb permís...
No m'agrada anar de compres, mai pregunto si m'estimen, lo de gorda és evident :), i sí, m'agrada parlar, aqui si soc "tòpica".
Ara bé...
Mai recullo mitjons i calçotets, cuino de conya, i la resta, no son tòpics, molts son aixì, però com algú entri al meu llit amb mitjons.... aquest sí que em sentirà!.
Petonets home de mirada seductora.
doncs... si són tòpics i jo compleixo alguns i d'altres gens.
respecte a l'anterior: ells tampoc estan mal, i segur que tots catalans o de la península....segur!
Només saludar-te, fer-te un petó i ...fugir dels tòpics...uè tal un parell d'una altra raça? Himans també? I desitjables?
Jeje, estic encesa i no pas de sexe!
Petons, maco, petons.
El tòpics són tòpics, però sempre es basen en una gran majoria. Després, cas per cas, tots som com som. Tu, per exemple, pel que sovint dius al teu bloc, sembles més sensible i delicat del que el tòpic diu que en són els homes... Bona setmana, maco! :)
Per a nosaltres dones, una llista més llarga:-)
Dono gràcies a la natura —o qui fos que ens creés— per a fer-nos diferents, a les dones i als homes! Sí, som diferents i qui no hi estigui d'acord té un seriós problema de percepció de la realitat. Prò tot i que siguem diferents, això no justifica que se'ns tracti de manera diferent, com s'ha fet al llarg de tota la història. Igualtat davant la llei, davant la societat i davant qui calgui, prò que tots som diferents, és un fet! Si no fos així, quin avorriment, no???
Quant a aquests tòpics... en començo a estar força farta! Sóc jo o tots fan refèrencia a allò que se suposa que les dones som incapaces de tolerar dels homes perquè se suposa que som unes maniàtiques, raretes i complicades? Crec que no m'equivoco quan dic que cada cop més els homes s'estan convertint una mica en tot això que històricament només érem les dones! Visca els homes moderns i les dones modernes! :)
Potser es tópic, pero també es real, almenys amb mi sí.
El futbol, els jocs d'ordinador, son cosas que a la majoria de dones no soportem i als homes els hi encanta!!!!
ai! carinyet, tens més raó "QUE UN SANTO"!Homes i dones típics i tòpic!! peró !vive la difference! mmmm
Petons gens tòpics
Mancaria una definició de tòpic, deixo una.
Un tòpic és allò que hom sent com veritat però no ha estat demostrat, i probablement mai no se'n demostrarà.
Quant a la diferència entre homes i dones. Sempre i quan no parlem de drets i obligacions, que en aquest cas sí som iguals. En la resat som totalment diferents; lo bó és ser complementaris.
ajjjajaja topics...sempre estarem igual...que si els homes volen això...que si les dones el contrari...hi ha de tot a la vida, no?
Molt guay el post 6969 i que es vagi ampliant, molt bé!!!!
será que no soy una mujer normal o yo que sé... pero esos tópicos no van conmigo...
por cierto, tu página últimamente me tarda mcuho en cargar... esta vez más de 2 minutos!
Ummmm...són tòpics, sí...definitivament...però quin tòpic no té alguna cosa de cert?
Un petonet.
Els tòpics com les normes... el divertit és donar-lis la volta i posar-li imaginació al tema.
Per exemple, si algún dia algú es troba la meva roba interior al terra, potser serà perque no la porto posada...
Crec que hi ha de tot. A mi no m'agrada gens anar a comprar, molt menys que al meu marit. Mai no pregunto si m'estima, ell a vegade s sí. Mai no pregunto si estic gorda... ell tampoc. Sí que m'agrada parlar, a ell també. No em molesta mai cap amic, ni de la infància... ni cap altre. Que no em respongui els sms... pssè la veritat no ens n'envie gaire s ni ell ni jo. No s'ha donat el cas que no es tregui els mitjons... en fi crec que no quadro massa amb els tòpics.
Hi ha una mica de tot "como en botica" així som les persones, siguin homes o dones.
jajajja esta molt be, tens rao en algunes coses en altres forma ja part de cada un, per eixemple lo de les compres jo sempre vaig en amiges es mes divertit, lo del SMS si ets veritat i hara llance jo la pregunta ¿Tan costa contestarlo? Un beset.
Topics ,guerra de sexes.... ,aixo no s'acavara mai.
Tots som iguals en algunes coses i difernts en altres.
Esta clar que fisicament som molt diferents jo per exemple no m'hi semblo gens al noi de la foto .
per cert "fibrado hasta la medula"
millor que el David de Miguel Angel
Ai...els tipics topics...
Perque ens els creiem, sí que es cert que quan els he llegit me posat a riure... Pero crec que quan més els hi fem cas, més topics es tornen...
Que els homes son diferents a les dones, doncs si, per sort sí, però el us capfiqueu...
A mi no m'agrada anar de compres ni amb companyia ni sense..
Que no magrada recollir els mitjons de terra...doncs no, pero jo també ho soc de desordenada...així que avui em toca a mi... i demà a,je,je
Que no es tregui els mitjons fent l'amor...home,normalment sels treu.... però si pel cas no ho fes, llavors serà igual, que si jo no estigui depilada... ja,ja,ja
podria continuar... pero tampoc es tracta que faci un monóleg...així que visca els defectes i les virtuts de cadascú... i visca la gent que sap acceptar-les tal i com són.. Això és el més important, acceptarho, sense pretendre canviar a ningú.
Apa, striper, m'he quedat descansada!!!!
Bacteriologicament, la tapa del Water aixecada és molt més recomaneble que tancada, clar que aixó implica una més profunda neteja del que és normal desprès del seu us.
Si que tens raó en molts dels tòpics que poses, però crec que hi ha moltes persones diferents, i encara que tots tinguem les nostres manies, es una llei de compensacions crec, tu fas alguna cosa per mi, i jo per tu, quan estimes a una persona els tòpics deixa'n de ser-ho.
Petons i molt bon dia maco.
es que a vegades en plena frebada costa trobar elmmoment de treures els mitjons.
no totom te el mateixos. ells si del veinat.
tranquila dona despres et porto una tila.
Gracies un peto..
No se pas las dels homes deunido.
No te enfadis que els homes també en tenim de complicacions.
d'acord amb tu.
si visca la diferencia;
d'acord amb tu.
de tot a la vinya del senyor.
pues claro normal pero sin topicos , lo de la pagina no se.
cuando el rio suena..
mas k mil palabras ha dit...:
Ah punyentera..
doncs un altre sense topics.
doncs Si...
Lo del sms es que que posem.
robelfu :
segur segur que nio t'ha sembles al de la foto.
si si tota una lliço amb el teu comentari.
La tapa valguem deu la tapa.
Compensacio molt bona pensada.
'Que no es tregui els mitjons al fer l'amor'
Tots tenim pros i contres, dèries i fòbies... siguem homes o dones.
molt curiós el post jeje! la veritat es que som "individus molt diferents" amb diferències, no solsament de pensament, sino notablement anatòmiques (com be ens demostres... ;-)).
carmncitta :
Dona mentres es treguin els calçotets.
d'aixo cap dubte.
Punyetero tu ja vas per les foyos del especial 6969, Eh.
¿Que poseu? cualsevol cosa quan una dona espera la contestacio es perque segurament amb un "jo tb" tot esta solucionant, pero no vaig a entrar al tema perque en cada moment es diferent.
Un beset
No entenc el comentari?
A New York escort girl is not just physically very much charming and sexy; she is also the proud owner of some of the finest qualities like hospitality, innocence and submissive.
Be it at morning 9 a.m. or midnight 23 a.m., escorts 24 x 7 services let you get the hottest stuff on earth the moment you want, they way you want!
Payment for your girl can be done online instantly. So, you should not have any sort of issue regarding anything.
The services provided by Bijou escorts are top notch. New York escort service are also offered to various clients.Bijou available are top class escorts, and you will soon forget about normal things in life and enter the world of love and fantasy. You must remember that using personal escort service is not like using normal intimate service and these are not just simple girls that you are dealing with. These are highly trained and qualified escort personnel's that are there to rejuvenate you dull and boring life. You will be surprised to find out that some of these girls are very well educated.
[url=]Queen Escort[/url] The growing popularity of a New York escort agency has been the outcome of a number of factors. First, a New York based escort agency believes in offering only the most exciting range of escort fun. Secondly, the rates that such an escort agency charges always comes under one's budget. Thirdly, instant access of girls in and around New York has been another major contributing factor in its success.
New York Escort services are a benchmark in the field of escort services. It is one of the most spoken and hottest services ever experienced by people. The services offered by the hottest and glamorous ladies of New York are often admired because of their truly sensual companionship. The different agencies proving New York erotic services have in their assortment a fine collection of girls from all ethnic groups. But, among the finest ladies, the Asian escorts are the most happening one. To enjoy the mesmerizing intimacy with these New York ladies, all you need to do is to browse over the net and find out suitable sites offering New York escort service. You can make a call or book online for New York escorts and the most consistent, top-notch and enjoyable services will be offered to you. Men will always be men and they would never compromise on the fun quotient if they have the will and the cash. If you are a man and for you fun has the highest value among all, then you can never miss out on the opportunity of spending some quality time with any of the Elite escorts New York girls. These girls are very beautiful and their services are conceived exclusively to meet your individual preferences. Based on your budget, you can now select an escort girl in any place surrounding New York.
Under any circumstances, they never fail to offer you the most decent services, no matter your place of residence in the city.
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Whether you are traveling for business purpose or for pleasure, fun is the key for spicing up things and making life interesting. Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.
The best thing about using escort service is that you can hire them for a day or for a month. It depends totally on your plan and budget. Escort services are available in all the major international cities around the world. New York is the second largest city in USA - a bustling metropolis, a true global city in every sense of the word. It is a city full of life and pleasure. Due to its rich culture and booming business people from around the world travel to New York. If you are one of them and want to explore and enjoy all the things that this city has to offer in the company of a beautiful and intelligent women then New York escort are always available at your service.
If you like brunette than you will get a brunette girl or a woman. Similarly all body types are available, from busty to a little skinny. Girls will not behave like a typical call girl, simply because they are not call girls. Girls and women employed by escort services are well educated and trained because they have to cater to a very rich clientele, which demands nothing but the best. Experience will be like date but with lots of pleasure involved. Booking a girl is quite easy. Escort will always reach in time. New York escorts and call girls can fulfill all your inner desires and fantasies.
What makes the girls even more popular is their utmost client hospitality.
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In the last few years itself, we have seen a terrific growth of these escort agencies with more and more wild girls coming to serve you with whatever you want.
Choosing the best personal escort service is not an easy task. Check the previous record of the service provider, there should not be any criminal case registered against the provider. Doing research on the internet and then personally visiting the place is the best way to get all the desired information. Reading client reviews is very important because it gives information about the escort service from the point of view of clients. Going through New York escort directory can also help in making a right decision.
Reading reviews can help you in finding out more information regarding any particular escort service provider. Check out its record on the internet. Find out whether any criminal cases or fraud charges are registered against the escort service provider or its escorts. Ask your friends and colleagues about the agency.
The advent of the web has played a very influential role in making the escort business so popular among the fun lovers. The same is the case with the New York escort scene.
[url=]Escorts[/url] http://bijouescorts
Whether you are traveling for business purpose or for pleasure, fun is the key for spicing up things and making life interesting. Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.
The best thing about using escort service is that you can hire them for a day or for a month. It depends totally on your plan and budget. Escort services are available in all the major international cities around the world. New York is the second largest city in USA - a bustling metropolis, a true global city in every sense of the word. It is a city full of life and pleasure. Due to its rich culture and booming business people from around the world travel to New York. If you are one of them and want to explore and enjoy all the things that this city has to offer in the company of a beautiful and intelligent women then New York escort are always available at your service.
You can use New York Escort service and enjoy high quality services provided by them. New York escorts are known for their beauty and intelligence. Girls of all ages are available, from 18 to 30 plus years. If you like blondes than you will get a blonde girl or a woman.
The advent of the web has played a very influential role in making the escort business so popular among the fun lovers. The same is the case with the New York escort scene.
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Finding a New York escort girl is a completely easy task. All you need to make an online search about the type of girl you want. Also, you can make a generic search engine research for New York escort girls and come up with the links of the escort service providers in the region. Then by browsing each and every website, you can find the various categories of girls listed.
Always keep some things in mind while using escort services. Make sure that the service provider is perfectly legal. Some illegal operators also run their services under the disguise of escort service provider; it can land you in serious trouble, especially if you are in a foreign country. On the more personal front, try not to get psychologically attached to a girl or a woman after having an intimate conversation or physical pleasures. It can have some very serious implications on your personal life and the professional and personal life of the escort.
Another important thing is quality of service and escorts. If you are spending so much money, you are entitled to get high level of services. Make sure that the girls they are showing in their website really work for them. Maintaining privacy is also very important. Make sure that the agency takes your right of privacy very seriously. For some people privacy is very important. If some information gets out, it can ruin your personal and professional life, especially if you are a married man.
Payment has never been an issue with a New York escort agency. Using the web itself, you can make payment for a New York based escort agency, that too in just minute.
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Also, you can have information about their sexual orientation as well as physical attributes. As far as physical attributes are concerned you can have information on hair color, vital stats, body color and so on.
It's true that other metropolis like New York, Tokyo, Bangkok, Las Vegas, Munich etc. have very decent escort service, but when you have a comparative analysis of all of them with the New York girls, then New York always returns more value to your commitment.
The advent of the web has played a very influential role in making the escort business so popular among the fun lovers. The same is the case with the New York escort scene. All New York escort agencies now operate online for girls' bookings as well as payments. Isn't it just too great for you?
I totally support that! Continue that way!
However, in 1958 having won the league the two previous seasons, tragedy struck when eight team members, plus another 15 passengers and crew, were killed in the Munich air crash. Barely surviving the disaster himself Busby eventually recovered and assembled another two-time championship winning team in the 1960s. Although, surprisingly, their 1966-67 success was to be United’s last with the league in its traditional format.
Inspired by how fashionable the game was becoming, motivated by the marketing opportunities football now presented, and financed by Sky TV’s desire to sell its new satellite dishes, a fresh competition was to come into being that would turn the Football League into a second class citizen. The Premier League was coming and it was to be “A Whole New Ball Game”… [url=]football betting[/url] This streak was to come to an end in 1977, when Liverpool won the Cup and ushered in nearly a decade of English wins. English teams won seven of the next eight Euro Cups, including multiple wins by clubs representing Nottingham and Liverpool.
The Liverpool club was ultimately to win five Euro Cups, but events surrounding their final championship game resulted in the exclusion of English clubs from the Cup for the next five years. This fateful game, played between Liverpool and the Italian Juventus club in 1985, saw the deaths of 39 fans after an altercation in the stands led to the collapse of one of the stadiums walls.
Overall, 42 teams have competed in the Premier League. Of the original signatories, seven have never been relegated and ten are participating in the Premier League this season, the other 24 are competing in various levels of the Football League, and two never joined the Premier League due to relegation at the end of the last season of the old First Division. There are currently 20 teams playing a 38 game schedule each season.
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Using an escort service providing agency's website, you can now book your girl after you choose her. Also, you can make the payment against her using the web itself.
That's why they have been so successful and popular in the pleasure friendly crowd.
To avail escort girls' services, you need not do anything now.
The services provided by Bijou escorts are top notch. New York escort service are also offered to various clients.Bijou available are top class escorts, and you will soon forget about normal things in life and enter the world of love and fantasy. You must remember that using personal escort service is not like using normal intimate service and these are not just simple girls that you are dealing with. These are highly trained and qualified escort personnel's that are there to rejuvenate you dull and boring life. You will be surprised to find out that some of these girls are very well educated.
[url=]Escort[/url] The growing popularity of a New York escort agency has been the outcome of a number of factors. First, a New York based escort agency believes in offering only the most exciting range of escort fun. Secondly, the rates that such an escort agency charges always comes under one's budget. Thirdly, instant access of girls in and around New York has been another major contributing factor in its success.
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In order to avail a New York based escort girl's service you need not cut any big hole in your pocket. Just at a few pounds, you can bring the most exotic escort girl right to your living room without any hassles. These New York escorts are infact, a huge fascination for the men clientele. However, there are also an assortment of pleasant bisexuals who are compatible for women seeking physical comfort and satisfaction. The agencies providing escort ladies have girls in their gallery from all races of life. New York escorts have been recognized popularly for their astonishing ability to indulge intensely with their clients and take them to the realm of Pleasure.
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Another issue that you must stay on top of is price fluctuations from the bookmaker. The prices for placing bets do not just change with different bookies but even with the same. You cannot take it for granted that the prices that are quoted in print like the Racing Post will be valid at the time of the event. With sports betting things can change very rapidly so be sure that the price will be honored before placing your bet otherwise this can seriously affect the outcome of your arbitrage sports betting.
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Still, there are tons of bettors looking through rose colored glasses for the holy grail of betting systems that will let them make money without risking any. Well, there is a way to do that and it is called work! Gambling is called gambling for a reason, it’s risky. Let’s take a look at some sports betting systems.
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On the other hand if you were to lose then you would wager twice what your original bet was. According to proponents of the system, this strategy will eventually enable you to win the bets you place and when you win you would recover all your lost bets plus one unit profit against your initial wager.
And finally, in the first article in this series I mentioned being honest with yourself, because one of the biggest lies I have found that a tremendous number of Bettors are guilty of is denying to themselves how many times their Base Bank has been busted! If you too are guilty of this, please remember that until you face up to the truth with the determination to do something about it, you can't expect to turn the situation round in your favour.
Despite the loss and questions about his career, Pellegrini stated that he would stay with Real Madrid to the end. He had no intention of resigning and would keep on working towards the team’s next goal this season: La Liga. [url=]real madrid website[/url] This worked for Zaragoza, but they had to quit their offensive attack to take care of their defensive lines to prevent the Meringues’ attempts. This meant that Manuel Pellegrini’s team had more difficulties creating chances to score until minute 27, when it enjoyed a double opportunity with an accurate attempt from Raul Gonzalez, which hit the post, and then the subsequent shot from Ronaldo, which Czech Jiri Jarosik saved as the ball approached the net.
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The game marked Real Madrid’s seventh victory in nine games and established the team as the best at home games, giving it 11 victories. [url=]kaka ricardo[/url] Real Madrid also boasted a great game the next day against Villareal, winning 2-0. Villareal’s players and coach were not especially happy with decisions by the referee during the game, but the team stood together. They are still seeking their first victory of the season.
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